M Night Shyamalan’s sci-fi After Earth is gathering cast members to join Will and Jaden Smith, and has set its sights on Zoe Kravitz and Sophie Okonedo
join the father/son pair.
We last saw Kravitz on screen as a turncoat mutant in Matthew Vaughan’s X-Men: First Class, and she’s next to be seen in the tantalisingly titled project, The Boy Who Smells Like Fish, which after the most cursory of research sessions, appears to be about a boy who smells like fish. We see what they’ve done there, clever.
After Earth, the story of a father and son who crash land into Earth which has been abandoned for a century by humans, would mark Sophie Okonedo’s first major film feature after a series of quality telly work over here in the UK and powerful 2004 drama Hotel Rwanda.