
The Memory Keeper's Daughter

A corking good story. The frame and incidental music shows a sensation of fear, I feel as if I'm watching a horror movie, cause the psychological shadow of the doctor destroyed his whole life and his whole family.

Another identification of David is father, and he is a husband as well. As a doctor,he actually abandoned a living life; As a father, he is hated by his darling son; And as a husband, he can do nothing more about her wife's betrayal.
He is a man full of failure. But he is also a son and a brother,his sister died tragically by Mongolism and his mother spent the rest of her life miserably, so David always remembers those scenes,he act in that way finally - desert his disabled daughter.

The poor girl does not seem to exist in this world, that's the meaning of 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter'.

We all know that every life is equal and without price, but we often shirk responsibilities when disaster falls.

Bore the sufferings bravely or be devoured by guilt to the day of death, that is not a question.

2011-11-03 21:37:41
Jack Rubbish
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