
Body talk: Emma Watson has the measure of Dustin Hoffman

 Emma Watson and Dustin Hoffman
It’s clear from this pose that Hogwarts School forgot to include red carpet wizardry on their curriculum, because rule number one bans ex-child stars from looking taller, more confident and higher in status than any A-list legends that they have been working with.
 might be tilting her head in towards Dustin Hoffman’s shoulder and bending in with one knee in a polite bid to make him look a tad less, well…bonsai, but that parental-looking arm around his shoulder is doing all the damage, being higher than the one he has around her shoulder, proving that it’s an easier reach for her than it is for him.
Emma’s perfect, tooth-wielding smile and sideways glance are pure Hollywood, showing that she has thrown off her teen stage faster than Daniel Radcliffe shed his kecks for Equus.
It also suggests to the cameras that Dustin is a real sweetie and not at all daunting to work with. And Dustin smiling happily in response, with one hand shoved casually in his pocket, confirms that his sense of humour and lack of vanity are both intact.


