Upcoming sci-fi Ender's Game is adding to its promising star cast with Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin...
Completing its collection of talented child actors, upcoming sci-fi movie Ender's Game has now enlisted Abigail Breslin, alongside Asa Butterfield and Hailee Steinfeld. The even better news is that previously rumoured star Harrison Ford has also been confirmed.
The film is an adaptation of Orson Scott Card's classic novel, and takes place on an Earth at war with the Formics, an insectoid race, and follows as young boy (Butterfield) being trained to be a military commander.
Breslin is joining as Valentine, Ender's older sister. The cast also includes Ben Kingsley, with Ford taking the role of Colonel Hyrum Graff. It's shaping up to be a very promising series to accompany the similarly dystopic Hunger Games.
The film is an adaptation of Orson Scott Card's classic novel, and takes place on an Earth at war with the Formics, an insectoid race, and follows as young boy (Butterfield) being trained to be a military commander.
Breslin is joining as Valentine, Ender's older sister. The cast also includes Ben Kingsley, with Ford taking the role of Colonel Hyrum Graff. It's shaping up to be a very promising series to accompany the similarly dystopic Hunger Games.