
Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock Biography:In this article we will tell you most popular details of Sandra Bullock biography and also you can download more attractive desktop wallpapers of Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock is most popular actresses in Hollywood and also highest-earning actress.

Sandra Bullock was born at Washington, DC on July 26th, 1964. Sandra Bullock is Highest Paid Hollywood Female Actresses of 2010-2011.She Wins Oscar Award with MTV movie Award. Top hits of Sandra Bullock is "The Proposal" and "The Blind Side". Her height is 5' 7" and her color is very fair.

Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock in Black Dress

Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock Taking Award

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock with Ryon Reynolds

Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock in Red

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock in Jeans and White Top

Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock in Red dress

Sandra Bullock in Black Dress

Sandra Bullock taking award

Sandra Bullock on The Proposal

Sandra Bullock Biography

Sandra Bullock in Cute Dress

Sandra Bullock in Cute Dress

