
Throw away the thong and the alcopops - because good girls are back

Emma Watson
Good reputation: is home-loving, intelligent and fresh-faced
Throw away the thong, banish the balcony bra, swop your alcopop for home-made lemonade.
After decades of raunch, where girls fell out of clubs and dresses in a bid to Get Noticed, it's all about to get a whole lot more, well, wholesome.
Now, it's about the intelligent, the home-loving and the fresh-faced.

Leader of the pack is Harry Potter actress Emma Watson.
With her pretty face and non-aggressive demeanour, she comes across as an exemplary role model.
She is bright (off to Brown University in the U.S.), beautiful (good skin, good hair, good genes) and highly sought after by directors and designers.
And what does she talk about in interviews? How much she loves her family!
It's the new wholesomeness - and it's very IN.


It's about young women being independent in a non-slutty way. I'm thinking Fearne Cotton, Tess Daly, Alexa Chung.
Alexa is cool and independent.
She holds down a job, speaks in full sentences and wears the kind of funky boho clothes that are as about as far away from crotch-skimming mini skirts as possible.
Appearing to be crude and rude these days is out. Everyone's had enough of people pretending their in-your-face sexuality is about female emancipation.
It's not possible to be emancipated if there's a great body but no brain.
Girls these days are promoting self respect, not self-exposure.
Cambridge scholar Lily Cole has shown that women with brains can also be beautiful.
Michelle Obama is encouraging young women of the world to work hard and get good grades.
And Duffy has worked hard to pull herself up from being a singer in the working men's clubs of Wales to an international star.
Does Duffy fall out of nightclubs drunk and generally misbehave?
Is she a wannabe Lindsay Lohan? No. She is just herself.
These days, there is much to admire about that.

